"کلمة اللّه هی العلیا و اللّه عزیز حکیم"

"The word of ALLAH, that is the highest; and ALLAH is mighty, wise"

"کلمة اللّه هی العلیا و اللّه عزیز حکیم"

"The word of ALLAH, that is the highest; and ALLAH is mighty, wise"

"کلمة اللّه هی العلیا و اللّه عزیز حکیم"

بسم اللّه الرّحمن الرّحیم
بنده معتقدم تحقق ظهوری کلمة اللّه هی العلیا منوط به تحقق ظهوری ولایت الهی و تحقق ظهوری ولایت الهی در گرو جهانگیری دین الهی و تشکیل حکومت الهی واحد تحت ولایت و خلافت خلیفة اللّه است. در هر زمانی خلیفة اللّه امام زمان آن عصر است و اطاعت از نائب امام زمان به منزله اطاعت از خود ایشان و اطاعت از ایشان اطاعت از اللّه است و این اطاعت طولی مظهر کلمة اللّه هی العلیا است. با توجه به اینکه نائب امام زمان ما امام خامنه ای فرموده اند مراقب گفتن ها و نگفتن ها باشید و اینکه تحلیل و موضع با معیار تقوا داشته باشید لذا هدف ایجاد این وبلاگ در آستانه ی عید اللّه الاکبر عید ولایت عید سعید غدیر خم ۱۴۳۵ هجری قمری این است که در تحقق ظهوری کلمة اللّه هی العلیا کوتاهی مطلق در تکلیف نکرده باشم. اگر خیری در این وبلاگ باشد لطف الهی و اگر شری باشد بر عهده بنده است.
احسان فرشاد

آخرین مطالب

۱ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «yazid» ثبت شده است

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In The Name of ALLAH 
About 680 years after birth of Christ,the nephew of last prophet Muhammad(may Allah bless him and his family);the son of the daughter of last messenger(Fatima) and the son of the cousin of last prophet(Ali) named Hussein who was the best person of the prophet's nation like his family by the witness of the last prophet himself,the nation and the history through the all time from beginning to end.He was the real successor of last prophet called Imam like his father(Ali) first Imam and his older brother (Hassan) second Imam.Hussein like his father and brother was excluded from his right the right that God had given them(because God knew their virtue and pietism) and the last  prophet had declared it in the day of the Pond of Khumm (the main declaration of the declaration series about this important matter).Like his father and brother Hussein had been silent and had accepted it because of the nation's unity and for respecting the nation's choice "The nation didn't want the best to be their chief ruler".The nation's chief ruler of the time was Yazid an evil man the worst person of history as his evil father(Muawiya)(an evil family tree;Banu Umayyah),Both(Muawiya and Yazid) cruelly ruled and spoiled the nation of last prophet and made the nation lost from the prophet's way in spite of the first four caliphs,The first four caliphs after the prophet ruled near and close to the prophet's way.After Muawiya,Yazid forced Hussein to choose between allegiance and death.Yazid said to Hussein accept my works or I will kill you.Now I want your allegiance or I will kill you.It meant contemptible life and being slave or death.Yazid's works,behavior and speeches was obvious sin and depravity so were unacceptable.Imam Hussien very tried to prevent this hard choice from being made but Yazid persisted,threaten and tried to kill Imam Hussein and the nation was still silent. Until Imam Hussein came out with his family and his little helpers from Medina to Mecca and then came out from Mecca towards Kufa a city in Iraq which people was tired of Yazid's cruelty and had promised to help Imam Hussein but with threat and deceive and allurement not only abandoned him and left him alone but also took part in war against him. Imam Hussein said a man like me never accepts a man like Yazid and never shakes hands of allegiance to a man like Yazid never never so perforce with 72 helpers fought with about 30000 Yazid's soldiers and finally in October/13/680 called Ashura Day in Karbala near Kufa in Iraq Imam Hussein and men of his family and his helpers all thirsty were killed the worst way from beginning to  the end of history even his 6 month baby(AliAsqar) were killed thirsty with a three head arrow in throat.Their heads were cut from their bodies and were put on top of spears and with Imam Hussein's only saved son who were badly sick(Imam Sajjad 4th Imam) and Imam Sajjad's five year old son (Imam Baqer 5th imam) with 84 women of the prophet's family All in a convoy from city to city being behaved  rudely,impolitely,cruelly as prisoners as captives under physically and mentally tortures were sent to Sha'am today called Damascus in Syria.The Prophet's family whom the Prophet had told the nation from God to love and respect and obey them.They went to Sha'am as captives but with their speeches made Yazid ignominious and dishonorable,they  made clear for all Yazid's dirty face and broke his hegemony.Yazid feared and with duplicity let them go. After 40 days (Arbaeen days) after Ashura  the tired captive tortured family returned to Karbala in fact returned to see truth,justice,freedom,braveness,the perfect right,virtue and every great and high adjective and pride,They returned to saying no to cruelty,They retured to themselves returned to God's successor on earth so returned to God.So Arbaeen pilgrimage became symbol a great symbol of  great god.Yazid killed Imam Hussein,cut his head and squished his body under horseshoes to hide and kill his name and his memory in history but now after 14 centuries go and see Arbaeen pilgrimage and judge whose name and thought are  down.But still Imam Hussein's blood revenge hasn't been taken and still you see those who are not right and have no right rule the world cruelly exactly like Yazid and his evil  family called Bani Omaya who were Muslim Zionists and  you see their today followers who are also Muslim Zionists:House of Saud,House of Khalifa,Wahabis,Salafis,Al Qaeda,Al-nusra Front,Da'ish(IS) etc.Yazid had been taught and influenced and incited by Jew Zionists and Christian Zionists like today's Muslim Zionists who are taught and influenced and incited by Israel,U.S.A,England and other cruel countries statesmen who oppress world's people in Palestine,Syria,Iraq,Afghanistan,Pakistan,Egypt,Africa,Myanmar and in everywhere in the world.Also they oppress their people like African Americans in U.S.A and we expect Buddhism Zionists soon to complete this puzzle.So Imam Hussein's blood revenge hasn't  been taken because many like Yazid now exist and Imam Hussein 's uprising goals like GOD right,justice,freedom etc is not universal but GOD loves us and has saved a man for us from Imam Hussein's,Imam Sajjad's,Imam Baqer's generation who is still alive by power of GOD  he is between us but hidden from our eyes.He will come(appear) and will do what is to be done,the 12th,the last Imam named Muhammad Mahdi,Imam of the time,he will come soon with Jesus Christ who is in sky by the power of GOD.Imam Mahdi will go to   Mecca,will lean to Kaaba and will acclaim:Be Aware You People of The World!Indeed My Ancestor Hussein They Killed Him,He Was Thirsty! He is The Revenger.Today December/13/2014 is that Arbaeen pilgrimage's anniversary  and Arbaeen pilgrimage is the best opportunity that our Imams has talked about it,predicted it and planned it for us to demand forgive from GOD and to return to GOD. Arbaeen pilgrimage is the maneuver of under oppression people who want to come out of it,people who want the justice and guidance for all.GOD loves us and wants every one of us to be fortunate before and after death so made the lovely family of last Prophet Muhammad our Imams.They can make this world a heaven on earth and can lead us to everlasting heaven after death they are not jealous,They have GOD's adjectives but they are GOD's creatures like us,They are very kind to us.So in Arbaeen pilgrimage we say to Imam Hussein you the inviter to GOD,you munificenced your heart's blood to save GOD's slaves(human beings;being GOD's slave is right but being slaves of people like ourselves who need for their being to GOD is not right) from ignorance and bewilderment of being lost.Let's  love them,They are our(all people in world) Imams and if many people doesn't love them,doesn't know them it's enemy's(Satan,Lucifer,Demon,Devil and his soldiers:Zionists) seduction.Let's love them because they love us as GOD loves us
 Let's know them and Let's make them known to all.Let's begin from Imam Hussein whom  the  other Imams themselves love most and the best opportunity that they planned is Arbaeen pilgrimage.Making Arbaeen pilgrimage known universal will facilitate the appearance,the advent,the coming back of Imam Mahdi.Sooner he comes back sooner we will reach to redemption
 Be Aware You People of The World!Indeed My Ancestor Hussein They Killed Him,He Was Thirsty

Written by Ehsan Farshad 
  • احسان فرشاد