"کلمة اللّه هی العلیا و اللّه عزیز حکیم"

"The word of ALLAH, that is the highest; and ALLAH is mighty, wise"

"کلمة اللّه هی العلیا و اللّه عزیز حکیم"

"The word of ALLAH, that is the highest; and ALLAH is mighty, wise"

"کلمة اللّه هی العلیا و اللّه عزیز حکیم"

بسم اللّه الرّحمن الرّحیم
بنده معتقدم تحقق ظهوری کلمة اللّه هی العلیا منوط به تحقق ظهوری ولایت الهی و تحقق ظهوری ولایت الهی در گرو جهانگیری دین الهی و تشکیل حکومت الهی واحد تحت ولایت و خلافت خلیفة اللّه است. در هر زمانی خلیفة اللّه امام زمان آن عصر است و اطاعت از نائب امام زمان به منزله اطاعت از خود ایشان و اطاعت از ایشان اطاعت از اللّه است و این اطاعت طولی مظهر کلمة اللّه هی العلیا است. با توجه به اینکه نائب امام زمان ما امام خامنه ای فرموده اند مراقب گفتن ها و نگفتن ها باشید و اینکه تحلیل و موضع با معیار تقوا داشته باشید لذا هدف ایجاد این وبلاگ در آستانه ی عید اللّه الاکبر عید ولایت عید سعید غدیر خم ۱۴۳۵ هجری قمری این است که در تحقق ظهوری کلمة اللّه هی العلیا کوتاهی مطلق در تکلیف نکرده باشم. اگر خیری در این وبلاگ باشد لطف الهی و اگر شری باشد بر عهده بنده است.
احسان فرشاد

آخرین مطالب

۱ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «terrorist» ثبت شده است

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Quran, Verse(3:169): you must not think that those who were killed in the way of Allah are dead. but rather, they are alive with their lord and have been provided for

Ayatollah Sheikh Nimr Baqr al-Nimr Saudi Arabian Shia Muslims' Leader who on July 2012 were shot, arrested, sentenced to be beheaded by sword and has been waiting for execution today on January, 2, 2016 the Saudi Arabia announced that today has executed him

Saudi Arabia had sentenced him to death on the charge of acting against national security.

Saudi Arabia that is a non democratic but dictatorship government and never cares about any nation.

Saudi Arabia that is run by Wahhabi and Salafi governors and protects Wahhabis and Salafis and has supported Al-Qaeda,Taliban and now terrorists like ISIS.

Saudi Arabia that has killed  non martial Yemeni People; Childs and women in the last 10 months.

Saudi Arabia that is close friend of Zionists Like child killer Israel and its supporters; USA and European Union.

Saudi Arabia that did nothing about killing of Gaza childs even protected Israel and has done the same work in Yemen, Syria, Iraq directly and indirectly by terrorists.

Saudi Arabia that Killed several thousand Hadjis apparently because of  not efficiency but really by intentionally project.

Saudi Arabia that had protected Saddam against Iran and had killed Iranian hadjis 28 years ago only because they said we hate polytheists and arrogance.

Saudi Arabia that has destroyed security of Western Asia.

Saudi Arabia that suppresses any, any protest even abroad like in Bahrain and suppresses any Democracy wanting act like in Egypt and Yemen.

Saudi Arabia that doesn't respect Syrian nation vote to Assad and interferes in Syrian internal affairs by terrorists and insists on removal of Assad.

Saudi Arabia that has reduced the oil price by order of USA to harm Iran.

Saudi Arabia that with accompaniment of Turkey and support of Israel and USA has fired the Western Asia, Northern Africa also Europe and charges Iran.

Saudi Arabia that is behind the scenes of any crime in Western Asia and Northern Africa, behind coup in Egypt, behind killing of Egyptian Shia Muslims' leader Sheikh Shehata, behind that murder in Nigeria and arresting Nigerian Shia Muslims' leader Sheikh Zakzaky, behind Boko haram and ... 

Saudi Arabia that has put his nation especially Shiites under pressure and has insulted their holy affairs like Baqi cemetery and has untruthfully propagated that Shiites are Pagans and Shiites doesn't believe in Allah, Prophet Muhammad PBUH and Holy Quran. So Saudi Arabia has violated the nation's citizenship rights.

Saudi Arabia that is Banu Umayya and Yazid of the time that oppresses, suppresses any protest and kills everyone who doesn't agree with him.

Has such Saudi Arabia any right to hold any court, to judge and sentence by the name of justice and use Allah's, Prophet Muhammad's PBUH and Quran's holy name? Isn't it funny and sad?

Saudi Arabia wants to present and introduce a rough face from Islam and cause an lslam phobia to make people of the world hate Islam and Muslims. And with that funny coalition against terrorism! (Terrorism that Zionist Saudi Arabia began it and protected it as agent of Israel and USA and supported this proxy war between Zionism and Pure Mohammadean Islam) wants to cause Shia vs Sunni Thirty-Year war between Muslims like Saint Barthelemy event and its outcomes to make Muslims leave Islam religion at all.

Martyr Sheikh Nimr only was a protestor against Dictatorship, oppression and suppression of Saudi Arabia and the ominous plans of zionists (Israel, USA, ...) that zionist Saudi Arabia is supporting and performing as agent.

What shall we do with Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia owes every free human being, especially every Muslim and especially everyone of we Shiites very much blood.

Hey Saudi Arabia! wait for that bloods to flood.

Quran; Verse(26:227): except those who believe and do good and remember Allah much, and defend themselves after they are oppressed; and they who act unjustly shall know to what final place of turning they shall turn back.

The revenger is coming, he is Mahdi son of Hussain.

Written by Ehsan Farshad

  • احسان فرشاد