Down with Al-Saud
Abjection is faraway from us
Our power is not because of gun, rocket or any martial equipments
Our power is because of our faith
As we are only and only slave of Allah, Allah gives us brave heart, scaring glory also magnetism
Our weapon is praying. Our weapon is crying for Lord of Martyrs; Hussain ibn Ali
Our thoughts will conquer the whole world because we invite to common inner spiritual software between Humans called Fitrat which is Allah's creation that based on it created us and (Fitrat) guides Humans to love Allah, his Prophets and their orders
If you want to know us go and read Karbala's story. and see who is conqueror in proxy wars between Zionism vs Pure Mohammadan Islam; Resistance axe
We will revenge blood of Sheikh Al-Nimr
We will revenge any blood that Al-Saud owes us
It's funny and sad that a family's name be on a country, an oppressor family's name on the holiest land of earth; Land of afflatus. So we will change Arabic peninsula's name from Saudi Arabia to its real name Hijaz
We will free Hijaz, conquer and come back to Mecca as Prophet Muhammad PBUH conquered Mecca after Hegira
But this time zionist Banu Umayyah is not secure. this time Muawiyah, Yazid and now Al-Saud; sons of that bad woman, eater of livers, wife of Abu-Sufyan; Hind are not secure
We will destroy all symbols of zionist Al-Saud in Hijaz; All palaces, all skyscrapers taller than holy kaaba
We will rebuild Holy Shrine of Four Imams PBUTh in Baqi cemetery
We will wipe out all zionist terrorists and their zionist origins
We will ... sooner than expectations we will
We Muslims; Shiites and dear Sunnis
We free human beings
We are unified
We will destroy the plan of Thirty-Year war between Muslims that is planned by zionists and performing by Al-Saud's funny and false anti-terrorism coalition
We will ruin Henry Kissinger's strategies, Richard N. Haass's and John Kerry's forecasts about Thirty-Year long wars between Muslims
And after Mecca its time to free Palestine, Baitolmoqaddas (Jerusalem) and Al-Aqsa Mosque
We will destroy Tel Aviv and Haifa and rebuild them according to our Islamic style
We will rebuild holy Shrines of Great Prophets there like Abraham and Joseph PBUTh
Israel won't see maximum 25 years later and Al-Saud so sooner
Army of Imam Mahdi PBUH the owner of the time is getting ready
Vanguards has started in Lebanon (Hizbollah), in Syria, in Iraq, in Yemen, and etc
Some generals of Army of Mahdi PBUH has started operation; Nasrullah in Lebanon, Qasem soleimani in Syria and iraq, and etc
Some of Imam of the time's generals has gotten Martyr like Shehata in Egypt and Al-Nimr in Hijaz
Some of them has been captured like Zakzaky
Martyrdom and being captured is a good sign that Mahdi's revolution is alive and getting more alive by Martyrs' blood
Martyrs' blood water the sanctified tree of Mahdi's revolution
We will show the World that United Nations and its suborganizations all are zionists' tool to run the world
We will ruin that liar devil UN that is supporter of oppression and suppression
We will make America an Islamic Republic and White House a husseinia; a holy place for mourning for Hussain ibn Ali PBUH
We Shiites and dear Sunnis and dear Christians who love Hussain ibn Ali as much as us. And they show it in Arbaeen Pilgrimage
We free human beings. We believers in Allah and his great Prophets
Islam means submitting to Allah and obeying him, so every religion that makes its adherents believe in Allah and his Great Prophets and submit to them and obey them is Islam so Islam will do revolution in world
This revolution has began in Hijaz, Yemen, Bahrain, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Nigeria and ... by the name of Islamic awakening. And is resisting in Iraq, Yemen, Syria etc
And will target Saudi Arabia, then Israel, then Europe and USA, Islamic revolution will be done in the whole world by Mahdi PBUH the only savor of the world and his helpers. Savor from oppressors and oppression
Mahdi son of Hussain ibn Ali is coming with his Holiness Jesus Christ PBUH soon to save and rescue world. Rescue us, we free human beings that if believe in Allah and its great Prophet's and submit to them and obey them so we are Muslims. If so every religion is Islam
Saudi Arabia is first stage. and its this way struggling is because it's dying like a hyena
Al-Saud! we are coming. Israel! we are coming. White House! we are coming. Global Zionism! we are coming. And we will destroy Erdogan's Ottoman dream under our foots in our way
Hey you! Enemies of Allah! Enemies of Allah's Prophets! Enemies of Imams! Enemies of Allah's Angles and Creatures! Enemies of Human Beings! Enemies of Fitrat! We are coming
First of all you Al-Saud! we are coming to take back Hijaz
Remember when Muhammad PBUH conquered Mecca and now his son
Mahdi's army is coming to conquer the whole world beginning with Hijaz
Quran; Verse (28:5): But we wanted to be gracious to those abased in the Earth, and to make them leaders and inheritors
Written by Ehsan Farshad who wishes to be one of the helpers and soldiers of His Holiness Imam of the time Imam Mahdi PBUH